Saturday, May 06, 2006
"The Da Vinci Code" mania: Because I can

Why? Because, as Tom Hanks said the other night on Conan O'Brian's show, while telling a story about a French traffic cop who stopped him and his wife without cause, "because I can."
Here's some The Da Vinci Code stuff to check out:
- A new trailer
- posted an intriguing but rather bizarre article the other day about the supposed discovery of Dan Brown's secret notes for his upcoming book about Freemasonry, The Solomon Key.
- Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland, which plays a pivotal part in The Da Vinci Code, has been cleaning up for the expected influx of visitors. Check out these gorgeous photographs.
- Robert Cooper, curator and libarian of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, in Edinburgh, claims the whole of American Freemasonry is essentially Scottish. He says: "We do know that the first Freemason in the North American continent was a Scot, John Skene, who travelled to America in around 1680. We also know that the second Freemason was a stonemason from a lodge in Melrose. So right from an early age Scots Freemasonry and stonemasonry was in America."
- Self-described Christian "apologist" author Clary Lopez has taken to task her comment to SF's reprint of's article "War on The Da Vinci Code," first on the site, and then on her own site, called "Are They Saved?" She calls The Da Vinci Code movie (unseen as of this writing, by the way), the "biggest blasphemy ever!" Even though we think she's off-base on this matter, she's still quite the Sacred Fem.
- A photograph of the Georgia Guidestones on inspired this "Eureka! moment" from our friend GrouchoGandhi: "The two pillars of light that the Guidestones create look like Boaz and Jachin." That's thinking between the lines, er, between the stones. Seeing the columns of Freemasonry in the spaces between the monoliths... a fascinating thought. Just who was R. C. Christian?
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Masons | Freemasons | May 19 | Da Vinci Code | Solomon Key | Rosslyn Chapel | Scotland | Grand Lodge of Scotland | Clary Lopez | Conspiracy | Blasphemy | Tom Hanks | Film Trailers | Robert Langdon