Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Even if romance ran out of rhyme


One of our SacredFem.Bloggers wrote a nice piece on Valentine's Day yesterday. According to her profile, Goddess Nicole, age 23, is "boring [her] life away as an office rat by day, a Hooters' Girl by night."

In her Valentine's Day post in "Stuck in a..." she wrote:
For those who like today, you don't need anything from my post, aside from the reference in the title to the cheesiest Valentine's Day song ever. You've already got your flowers, chocolate, and great plans for tonight whether it's with someone special, or just with your bestest friends. For those who are apathetic, I've got nothing for you, and that’s all you wanted anyway. And for those who are bitter about today, masochistic and would rather listen to depressing, reminds-you-of-the-love-lost, sorts of songs today, here’s an anti-Valentine's Day list for you, ranging from wistful, come-back-I-love-you songs to I’m-better-off-without-you-so-there! songs.

There follows a long list of song titles and song lyrics that drive home the loneliness of love.

Her comments section is filling up with Valentine wishes and additional song suggestions. Why not leave Nicole a Sacred Fem note of holiday cheer, to help pull her out of her funk. The best thing she said about her Valentine's Day yesterday was, "and this year at the least it’ll mean candy’s on sale starting tomorrow."

Thank you dear for the mention. But again, there was no funk here. I like Valentine's Day single or not, because a) I know I am a goddess and others know it too, regardless of my relationship status, and b) I'm a romantic, seeing everyone else lovey-dovey yesterday, Tiffany's being crowded at 5:30 pm, it's heartwarming.
No Singles Awareness Day here.
It's not all glamour and Mint Julip lunches being a working Stay-at-Home Single, you know.
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