Monday, March 19, 2007

'Tailgate me and I'll shoot! -- Detroit woman opens fire on motorist


Driving along Interstate 94 in Detroit, a woman opened fire on a pickup truck she said had been tailgating her.

Bernadette Houghton Headd, 39, claims she believed the truck was trying to run her off the road.

When she was arrested, she told police, "I'm tired of people tailgating me."

Her mother has an excuse for her, too. She'd been under a lot of stress caring for a sick family member, her mother told reporters.

"When you're afraid for your life, I mean, what is it you're supposed to do?" she asked. She said her daughter only meant to "scare him off," not hit the vehicle. truck.

Headd, who has a concealed weapons permit, is a good shot, her mother said.

She has been charged with assault with a deadly weapon, discharge of a firearm from a motor vehicle and using a firearm during a felony.

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That a$$hole, Russell Sabo, 46, of New Baltimore, who was tailgating this woman should be charged with a road rage offense, as well. He's obviously a big wimp who goes running to the cops as soon as he doesn't get his way. Loser. WAHHH.
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